Couple of days ago where she was interviewing a couple who known as Stephanie and Christian Nielson. In 2008, the Nielson's were in a plane from Arizona, when the plane crash and they survived. But both of them suffered severe burn injuries where Stephanie experience 80% of body burn and her husband, Christian suffers 30% burn besides other minor injuries. Stephanie was put under medically induced coma while they treated her burns. Doctor warned her husband that even his wife survived the coma she may need to be under special care. 3 months later, Stephanie woke up from the coma to the love and prayers of her family and people.
Almost 2 years after the plane-crash, today she is a stay at home-mom and took care 4 of her kids. She lead an almost normal happy life which I feel that she did an amazing job doing it given to her that the condition she's in currently. She almost lost her eyesight and had to undergo multiple surgeries till today for her life being. I took the liberty of showing the pictures she was before and after the plane crash.
This is she before the plane crash..
After the incident:
This is she doing her daily routine:
Their children:
Them, Sep 09 :
Stephanie and Christian Nielson (present) :
They both are a beautiful couple. Seeing these photos after watching Oprah is just heartbreaking!
I felt that there so blessed in almost every way. The fact that her husband stand by her side to hold her hand all that long until today is just plain spectacular to me. He never compared what she look like and love her for herself.
And Stephanie has been optimistic throughout the journey of recovering, just never stop amazes me.
She have a blog , where she write about her recovery and motherhood, if anyone interested to look up about them.
Regarding to these post, I wanna tell how lucky we are just to have that someone who we know that will take care of us in our bad moments. Even those who didn't, feel inspire to be so to your friend or family members. It won't hurt us just to hold their hands and just be there.
Thank u for taking your precious time to read this...xoxo !
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