Middlesbrough is Awesome!

Anak hayam jinak-jinak nak selfie.
Tak tahu kenapa entry kali ni terpanggil nak merapu dalam Bahasa Melayu.
Da sampai UK baru nak cakap Melayu kan.
This entry will be mix of bahasa and english all over it. 
But enjoy reading the merapu-ness ;D

My lady senior lecturer looks like a supermodel. 
With her long legs and slimming figure, I fell ike nak menangis to call her my senior forensic lecturer.

And my classmates, they all came to class with messy up-dos and prada-like tote bags.
Macam gossip girl. 
I is envy. 

The classes was very hands-on sangat.
In our vehicle lab examination, each of us is given a car to examine. 
Bayangkan berapa banyak kereta dalam lab tu!
Awesome giler!
And they never let us share our equipments. 
Each is provided our own.
Like these ipads...

There was once in my 3 hour forensic practice class, we were given an Ipad setiap sorang, a topic and a list of reference. We were asked to prepare a short presentation using those things within 1 and half hour. I macam nak menangis sebab kenapa high tech sangat class ni. 
But the best part is, we were given a list of reference to goggled  
Tolong la cakap sweet. 
Imagine in Malaysia, they did this. 
It will be like na-ah. 
But here...ohemji. Terlalu terharu. 
But then again, technology and me can never really get along. 
Masa dapat Ipad tu, I don’t even know how to switch it on! 
Embarrassing gile...

The facilities in school and in all the university building are equipped with facilities fits for dyslexia, people who used hearing-aid and 
wheelers (orang yang guna wheel chair. Wheelers is my short term to use in this blog)
Diorang punya elevator, class, signboards, speakers  semua lengkap untuk membantu mereka yang kurang kemampuan untuk travel, melihat dan mendengar.  
Memang amazing sangat.

And of course being the jakon I always am..
I just recently learn how to use Photogrid app..
so kalau boleh semua benda nak diper-photogrid-kan. 
Haha. Sudden craze. 

So disebabkan diri ini masih dalam keadaan excited state, so I pun start la active using Instagram account. 
Kindly assist to do the necessary 
i.e follow the bimbo account, thank you. 

Owh did I mention, yang I am now a supermarket addict. 
Now pantang free, 1 jam pun jadila, laju je kaki ni mengayun langkah ke supermarket. 
Since semua kedai, facilities and mall are within walking distance, 
memang harusla tak fikir dua kali nak menuju kesana. 
Sometimes I can just jump around 3-4 supermarkets and bought only toilet cleaners in one day. 
Its like a personal satisfaction dapat berada dalam supermarket-supermarket ni.
Masalah betul

And yes, I cooked. Halal supermarkets are just nearby. 
So the worst thing that happen is I tak boleh nak focus dalam class sebab dalam otak duk sibuk fikir malam ni nak masak apa, cukup tak ingredients, or kena gi supermarket lagi. Hee.

But all in all, I had fun. 
While the time I'm here, I'll make sure the three steps will be fulfilled 
First step, acclimatize. 
Second step, buy clothes and accessories. 
Final step, travel! 

Weehoo..but wait, mana part “berjaya dalam study “ni?

Till then Toodles. Love you. xoxo

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