Wedding Kak Olie (Cousin)

The tower of books on my bed side table. Queuing their way up, waiting to be read.


My cousin, Kak Olie is married!!
Can't believe she is a married woman now. 
Every single time one of my cousin got hitched or pregnant , 
I am always the emotional ones to react.
I don't know why. 
May be being the drama queen that I am, it comes with the dramatic nature.

Me in the middle of the chaos

Regardless..I am so happy for her.
Since "the tragedy" happened, I need this. 
The wedding prep, gathering of my family, the chaotic moments before the wedding,
 the revealing wedding dress moment, the rewang-rewang, the everything lah.
I need it to remind myself that beautiful things can still happen in life.

The wedding dresses.. 

During the akad nikah moment, I almost cried 
My goodness, over tak?
Orang lain yang nikah, orang lain yang sebak ha.
But its true.
I almost cried. 
My heart starts sinking because the event recalled me of someone.
I tried to retained the tears. 
Not wanting to appear blubber in the middle of my family crowd.
Finally I managed to smile.

Now that Kak Olie is married. 
She's transitioning to a marriage life with her darling husband.
God's willing, she might start having a family of her own soon.
I find this facts are very overwhelming.

You know, we were  kids together, played silly games, then grew up, and now she is a wife.
How Allah SWT has created so much for her.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Me and Kak Olie, the bride.
May Allah SWT bless her marriage to Abang Najib. Amin
Thank you so much for tuning in.
Love you. xoxo

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