
Every morning I wake up to this new chapter in life.
I marched to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror.
Then I get dressed and ready for work.
I arrived at work with a fresh start.
The day goes on with absolute emptiness in my heart.
Felt nothing to do nothing. To make no difference in world where none matters. 
Contemplating whether to take charge or let it be.
Till it was time to get home in the early evening.
Dinner time with my family.
And sleep with no ease or cry, just numb and left with nothingness by my side.
Because the lady in the mirror I saw this morning wasn't me,
it was a creature that just simply exists.

Thank you for still being here.


  1. hey dear what's wrong...if there's anything i can do, lemme know ya.. i went thru dis phase too long time ago... perbanyakkan doa and be strong ya.. Im not good at giving nasihat, but, if can everymorning bila bangun tido, ucapkan Alhamdulillah kerana Allah masih beri peluang untuk bernafas.

    Laailaha illallahul 'aziimul haliim laailaha illallahu rabbul 'arsyil 'aziim laailaha illalahu rabbus samaawaati wa rabbul ardhi wa rabbul 'arsyil kariim.

    "Tiada tuhan selain ALLAH yang Maha Mulia lagi Maha Lemah Lembut. Tiada selain ALLAH. TUHAN 'arasy yang Agong. Tiada tuhan selain ALLAH. TUHAN langit dan bumi dan TUHAN 'arasy yang Pemurah."
    – Hadis riwayat Muslim

  2. Kak marinee..thank you so much. Sayang kak marinee. Seriously thank you sangat for that doa and attention. Sometimes life can be blurry and insecure..hopefully its going to be just a phase. Take care kak marinee.
